After 2 days we left for South Luangwa Park in Zambia, instead of driving through Mozambique, as we had planned, due to the intense fighting between government and rebel forces taking place.
We arrived at the beautiful Wildlife Camp site, just outside the main park gate, on the banks of the South Luangwa River. The facilities were good and clean and the position exceptional as we overlooked a massive bend of the river. Elephant and giraffe arrive regularly to drink, amid the many hippo and crocodiles who permanently reside there.
The following morning we passed three lion with their kill from the night before, next to the road, on our way towards the park entrance. Zambia (just like their neighbours,Zimbabwe, Tanzania and Kenya) charge a premium price for non- residents to enjoy their parks. (We are determined to lobby for SADC pricing as the prices are restrictive for most South Africans).
The park is very beautiful and we saw numerous elephant, giraffe and buck up close, as well as a leopard walking in the road in front of our car. The difference to SA parks is that they allow you to drive off the main roads.
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Dang – it’s beautiful and always wanted to go there!!