Arrived at Crocodile Camp site, near Iringa town, in the evening, after navigating numerous trucks and buses who often overtake on blind corners, which might explain some of the many overturned trucks we passed on the side of the road… It is conveniently situated off the main road, in the middle of a giant baobab forest. I eventually succumbed to an enthusiastic salesman who kept dropping the price of a really nice chalet on the River’s edge. (from 120 000 shilling to 40 000 shillings = R295 for the evening).
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Hi Marc and Vivienne,
Beautiful pictures and stories! May Father truly meet your hearts’ desires and bless you in all your ways!
Johan, Imne en Lukah
Amazing! my Favourite Tree, would have loved to have been there! Perhaps next time 😉
Have a great Trip!