The road down to Malawi from Tanzania had very few cars on it. I think we drove past about 5 cars and 5 trucks, at most, the whole way down, after the turnoff south. Very beautiful courtyside with tea and banana planatations.
The border post into Malawi was small and one of the friendliest and quickest so far on the trip.
The country is clearly extremely poor and yet the people are the friendliest yet… from the border post and police officials to everyone else we met.
The fraud committed by the last few presidents have played its role in preventing much needed progress for the country and the people are suffering particularly badly at present. Although their first president, Hastings Banda was clearly a dictator, he was one of the better ones they have had yet…
We descended down towards the massive Lake Malawi and arrived at the beautiful camp site of FCE, Malawi. We could not have wished for a better spot and we were the only one’s camping there the first night!
They supplied wood for a massive bonfire and we sat up until late at the lake’s edge under the stars. We decided to stay and relax for another day. I caught up on my supply of vitamin D and we chilled under the trees on the water’s edge.
On our last evening we invited the camp manager, Spencer and his wife, Ida to join us for a braai and had a good evening of fellowship with them. They are a lovely godly couple with a heart for their people and are reaching into local communities with various programmes for the children, teachers and as well as ladies and men’s discipleship programmes through FCE.
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Ahh, wow, so overwhelmingly simple yet so beautiful and peaceful. God’s place.
Blessings, lots of love and Shalom