We drove through the gate into the Serengeti Park area and enjoyed the stunning scenery of the grasslands while the sun was setting.
Thankfully, the temporary cable solution held up on the really badly corrugated road to the camp site. We woke up to the sounds of the bush and some buck and buffalo nearby.
As we started driving we realised that we had a problem as Marc’s temporary solution would most likely not survive the extremely bumpy roads till we exited the park. We were 15 minutes into the drive and Marc was just saying that he wished he could drive up a ramp and see what was really going on under the car, when we came across a road leading to some activity. We drove in and found ourselves in a workshop in the middle of the Serengeti!!
Marc drove straight up the ramp, the mechanics checked it out and offered to weld the bracket back within half an hour. We left with it stronger than before, very happy to pay the $40. How awesome is our Father!!
We would not have stayed at the particular campsite that we did (and then not have driven past the workshop) if Marc had not run into a guide (named Enoch), the day before at lunch time, who recommended it to us. How reassuring to journey through this life with our heavenly Father, who knows all things and can organise these details … very humbling indeed!
We spent the day in the Serengeti and enjoyed the vast expanses and seeing a number of herds of buffalo and one of at least a 1500 wildebeest during their migration.
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