Spent the night in Dar es Salaam on 17th June with old family friends, Dave and Angela Scott. A special couple who live out being a blessing to others. We were grateful to leave our car in their safe hands for the week we would be in Zanzibar.
We arrived back in Dar es Salaam a week later and stayed over with our other special friends, Etienne and Rani and their 3 children. They have been in Tanzania for 3 years and have planted a branch of Liberty Church. It was great to be able to visit their church and witness the good work that they are doing. They were finishing off a series on Joseph and allowed me (Vivienne) to share the prophetic Messianic picture of Joseph, as relating to his Jewish brothers.
We also visited the coastal town of Bagamoyo with Etienne and his family. Bagamoyo is another place connected to the slave trade and the name means – ” Where I left my heart”. Many thousands of slaves were marched through the port on their way to a life of slavery in India, Persia, South and north America etc. Livingston spent time in teh area and witnessed the brutality of the Arab traders including mass murders of the indigenous African people. He diarised much of what he witnessed which helped lead to the abolition of the slave trade near the end of the 19th Centuary, although it only came into effect in Tanganyika in 1922. David Livingston’s body left from Bagamoyo back to London
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See you made it to the Yachtclub!…lovely spot, and one of my favourite memories of the 6 yrs we spent there.Yachtclub saw me crying many tears, laughing with friends, playing with my kids when it was all deserted and we pretended it was our own….celebrating birthdays under the bandas, launching Kaptein into the water almost every weekend.high and low tides of everyday life……witnessed by the tides of the sea.
Enjoy your time in that beautiful place.send much love to Rani and Ettienne and the kids.xxxx
Love following your trip under the African skies.xxx
Hi Louise
Was sure you knew the place…Dave and Angela and Et and Rani all send their love.
Is that quicksand where the young girl is being held as she walks on it?
I am sure Rani (mother of 3) will be thrilled with your “young girl” comment – not quicksand but mud next to salt pans. Etienne & Rani took us for a walk next to the Salt pans to go birding.