Travelled through the notorious Nakonde/Tunduma border into Tanzania. Took us three and a half hours without any queues and any bribes (although they tried…on the Zambian side).
The country is beautiful and people are friendly. About 40% Moslem and 40% Christian, but no official religious census since 1967, so just an estimate. It is good to see many small businesses as well as the growing of local crops everywhere. The local language is Swahili, 2nd most spoken in Africa, after Arabic. Hakuna Matata (no worries/problem) is often heard.
The new President, John Magufuli, is causing waves with his strong anti- corruption stance. See link: Let’s pray and trust that he remains alive to be an example and inspiration to the rest of Africa.
Marc got his first and hopefully only speeding fine ( $15 – doing 61km/h in 50 km/h zone – no signs!)
Arrived at our next camp site, the Utengule Coffee Lodge, which has beautiful views over the valley. Marc enjoyed a good coffee and I a freshly squeezed pineapple, paw-paw and watermelon juice!
Feeling very blessed to be driving through this beautiful continent on which live, and yet know so little about!
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Wonderful and very informative blog. The Lord is going before you and showing you great and new things. It is my joy to pray for you both all the time. Onward for Jesus, Malcolm.
Thank you Malcolm! We experience His protection and directing of our steps, as we travel through this beautiful continent, which reflects God’s glory and yet, also, has its share of challenges.